We Work for Best Community


Strengthening the resilience in the WASH sector of Syrian refugees and their hosting communities in North-Lebanon.

OUR Main Activities

Water , sanitation and hygiene.

activity 11/18/2020 12:00:00 AM
Water and Sanitation communal projects

Working in close coordination with NLWE – Norh Lebanon Water establishment on improving the quality and quantity of water and sanitation services to the Lebanese host communities and Syrian refugees living in Akkar and North – Lebanon.

activity 10/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
WASH improvements in public schools

Working in close coordination with the MEHE – Ministry of Education Higher Education on improving the access to water and sanitation facilities in public schools in Akkar and North- Lebanon.

activity 7/6/2020 12:00:00 AM
Capacity building

In Close coordination with NLWE , building the capacity of local authorities and staff from local and INGOs on WASH related topics.

activity 6/16/2020 12:00:00 AM
Water and Hygiene Awareness

Implementation of water and hygiene sessions / activities into schools and communities.

About TankamelSawa

Tankamel Sawa

  • Our history

Tankamel Sawa’s aid projects date back to 2010, where ex-volunteers of the Lebanese Red Cross sensed the enormous gap between the needs of the community and the response so scarcely offered.

Driven by their social responsibility, they founded Tankamel Sawa, and it marked the start of years of dedicated relief and effective support.

  • Who We Are:

Tankamel Sawa is a Lebanese non-governmental humanitarian organizationpolitically independent and undenominational.

We aim and act to support communities and individuals who find themselves in situations of difficulty and need, mobilizing resources in the best way in order to ensure efficient and sustainable solutions.

Tankamel Sawa is primarily active in the areas of Northern Lebanon and Akkar, with the readiness and capacity to respond for emergency calls all over Lebanon.

Our Projects

Since 2016, TankamelSawastarted its aid mission in Northern Lebanon aiming to build resilience for Syrian refugees and their host communities. Wherever possible, our team supports water, sanitation, and hygiene projects supplying thousands of beneficiaries with safe drinking water and appropriate sanitation facilities in the hosting public schools and communities.


1.Installation of a new submersible pump with all its accessories in Ain Yaacoub pump station

Beneficiaries: 5401 ( 5081 Lebanese and 320 Syrian refugees).

Number of localities served: 12 (benefiting from Ain Yaacoub well).

Date of implementation: between 1 July 2016 until end of April 2017.


Installation and deepining(40 m Length) of new pump with all accessorries in Oyoun pump station

Beneficiaries: 13319 ( 10903 Lebanese and 2416 Syrian Refugees).

Number of localities benefiting: 18.

Date of implementation: between 1 July 2016 until end of April 2017.

Mashta Hammoud

Installation of new submersible pump in Mashta Hammoud pump station

Beneficiaries: 4500 individuals ( 4000 Lebanese and 500 Syrian refugees).

Number of localities benefiting : 1 : Machta Hammoud.

Date of implementation: between 1 July 2016 until end of April 2017.

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Tankamel Sawa is looking forward for more project and community support..

Tankamel Sawa Team

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