Our Projects

Since 2016, TankamelSawastarted its aid mission in Northern Lebanon aiming to build resilience for Syrian refugees and their host communities. Wherever possible, our team supports water, sanitation, and hygiene projects supplying thousands of beneficiaries with safe drinking water and appropriate sanitation facilities in the hosting public schools and communities.


1.Installation of a new submersible pump with all its accessories in Ain Yaacoub pump station

Beneficiaries: 5401 ( 5081 Lebanese and 320 Syrian refugees).

Number of localities served: 12 (benefiting from Ain Yaacoub well).

Date of implementation: between 1 July 2016 until end of April 2017.


Installation and deepining(40 m Length) of new pump with all accessorries in Oyoun pump station

Beneficiaries: 13319 ( 10903 Lebanese and 2416 Syrian Refugees).

Number of localities benefiting: 18.

Date of implementation: between 1 July 2016 until end of April 2017.

Mashta Hammoud

Installation of new submersible pump in Mashta Hammoud pump station

Beneficiaries: 4500 individuals ( 4000 Lebanese and 500 Syrian refugees).

Number of localities benefiting : 1 : Machta Hammoud.

Date of implementation: between 1 July 2016 until end of April 2017.